GFWC Wampanoag Women's Club
Who We Are
The GFWC Wampanoag Women’s Club was organized and federated in 1977 and has been a part of the volunteer spirit in East Providence continuously since that time. Programs and projects we have undertaken with GFWC guidance include local ones in our city, some in our state and others nationally and internationally.
We are proud to note that our ranks have included one state president, Mary Irons, a state secretary and vice-president, Paula Braman-Duarte, a member of the Board of Trustees, Kris Rose and two graduates of the LEADS program, Paula Braman-Duarte, Kris Rose.

Current Slate of Officers:
Co-President: Kris Rose,
Co-President: Barbara Traverse
Secretary: Anne Conlon,
Treasurer: Cathi Wild

Most of our original members remain active in the club, but we welcome interest from prospective fellow volunteers. Our club meets on the fourth Monday of the month - September, October, November, April and May. (Location is determined monthly.) We are on hiatus during the summer but may have additional meetings or get-togethers as needed for specific projects or events.
Please contact the club president via email for any questions about membership.